Learn + Develop
Bridge etiquette for the beginner
Much of the popularity of contract bridge is attributed to the high standard of etiquette which is observed by players. WABC is keen to promote a high standard of bridge etiquette at all times.
The rules of bridge require players to conduct themselves ethically and at WABC we are keen to promote a high standard of bridge etiquette at all times.
When you attend our Supervised and mini- Supervised sessions, you will be introduced to basic bridge etiquette.
Here are some good habits to practise from the outset:
Always be courteous to your partner, and the opponents – greet your opponents, introduce yourself.
Once the bidding has commenced, general conversation is not encouraged. Keep post-mortems until after the session.
Practise good table manners:
Cards are counted face down
Decide on your bid before taking a bidding card from the bidding box
All bids remain on the table until the auction is complete, and the opening lead is tabled
Opening lead card is tabled face down by the player on the left hand side of the Declarer. After acceptance by their partner, the card is turned over
As Declarer, thank your partner when the Dummy is tabled
At the end of the hand, do not pick up your cards until the result is agreed with the opponents
Shuffle your cards at the end of the hand
Thank your opponents for the game!
You can learn more about etiquette (Link Etiquette and Player Obligations) when you attend our Mini-Supervised and Supervised sessions, by reading through the WABC Players Etiquette and Obligations or reading our excellent brochure, Bridge Etiquette, available from the clubrooms.