Championships + special events
2023 Jackpot WINNERS
Club members only are entitled to qualify for the Jackpot Finals and must have played in that particular session a minimum of 12 times to qualify. The competition runs from 1 October to 30 September. Lists of the top pairs, determined by place and generated by Pianola, are then published on the noticeboard and website. Finals are held in November. Players on the list are free to partner with anyone on the list for the final. Prizes are awarded at the Christmas party.
John-Finlay Jones and Prue Hart
Julie Coats and Brian Embleton
Jo Sklarz and Jane Henderson
Robin Challenor and Veronica Ntoumenopoulos
Kate North and Bernard Yates
Patricia McNamara and BElinda Taranto
Diana Currie and Sue Lind
Jo Sklarz and Ann Youngs
Kate Pinniger and Carla Sullivan
WABC Championship results archives
2023 Deana Wilson & Hamish McCracken
2022 Jo Sklarz & Ann Youngs
2021 David Burn & Lynne Milne
2020 Deana Wilson & Dave Munro
2019 Cynthia Belonogoff & Sue Gammon
2018 Doreen Jones & Dave Munro
2017 Kaiping Chen & Deana Wilson
2016 Geoff Yeo & Ann Youngs
2015 Geoff Yeo & Ann Youngs
2014 Maura Rhodes & Fiske Warren
2013 Val Holman & Nerilyn Mack
2012 Maura Rhodes & Fiske Warren
2011 Maura Rhodes & Fiske Warren
2010 Nerilyn Mack & Ray Wood
2009 Ronnie Nilant & Jenny Walkden
2008 Joy Gaunt & Margaret Sacks
2007 Claudine Charters & David Charters
2006 Peta Fuhrmann & Susanne Thomas
2023 Jonathan Free & Joann Theriault
2023 Murray McKay & Ping Robson
2022 John Finlay-Jones & Hamish McCracken
2021 Jeff Veling & Beverly Hunt
2020 Not Held
2019 Shirley Bloch & Helen Kemp
2018 David Burn & Bruce Fraser
2017 Andrea Gaff & Mike Gaff
2016 Breffni Baker & Rosemary Enright
2015 Dave Hughes & Marie Musitano
2014 Mark Doust & Sue Gammon
2013 Dave Hughes & Marie Musitano
2012 Elizabeth Carter & Deborah Greenway
2011 Marie Musitano & Eileen Reilly
2010 Corinne Monteath & Shirley Potter
2009 Not Held
2008 Rosemary Enright & Rosemary Rear
2007 Ranjit Gauba & Derek Pocock
2006 Jenny Davy & Jill Mowson
2005 Sue Broad & Alison Rigg
2019 Discontinued
2018 Bernard Yates
2017 Namy Bodinner
2016 Deana Wilson
2015 John Hogan
2014 Ann Youngs
2013 Ann Youngs
2012 Raymond Wood
2011 Pepe Schwegler
2010 Chris Bagley
2009 Kali Crosbie
2008 Sheenagh Young
2007 Derek Pocock
2006 Wayne Gyde
2005 Gary Frampton
2004 Sheenagh Young
2003 Margaret Abrahams
2002 Gary Frampton
2001 Gary Frampton
2000 Derek Pocock
1999 Cynthia Matthews
1998 Cynthia Matthews
1997 Derek Pocock
1996 Judy Crooke
1995 John Mcmullan
1994 Malcolm Smith
1993 Not Held
1992 D Prasad
1991 Robbie Sacks
1990 Not Held
1989 Margaret Abrahams
1988 Dorothy Jenkins
1987 David Schokman
1986 John Ashworth
1985 Rudy Woss
1984 Verna Butcher
1983 Charles Pearce
1982 Mike George
1981 Peter Wilson
1980 Molly Virtue
1979 Derek Pocock
1978 Judy Steinberg
1977 Mabs McCulloch
1976 Frank Hussey
2022-2023 Kate North
2021-2022 Kate North
2020-2021 Kate North
2019-2020 Kate North
2018-2019 Kate North
2017-2018 Kate North
2016-2017 Jocelyn Parry
2015-2016 Jocelyn Parry
2014-2015 Jocelyn Parry
2013-2014 Jocelyn Parry
2012-2013 Suzanne John
2011-2012 Bobbie Mitchell
2010-2011 Bobbie Mitchell
2009-2010 Jocelyn Parry
2008-2009 Jocelyn Parry
2007-2008 Bobbie Mitchell
2006-2007 Bobbie Mitchell
2005-2006 Joan Oldham
2004-2005 June Browne
2003-2004 June Browne
2002-2003 June Browne
2001-2002 Dorothy Jenkins
2000-2001 Dorothy Jenkins
1999-2000 June Browne
1998-1999 Elsa Taylor
1997-1998 Cynthia Matthews
1996-1997 Melody Stewart
1995-1996 Marjorie Thunder
1994-1995 Andrea McGeorge
1993-1994 Andrea McGeorge
1992-1993 Andrea McGeorge
1991-1992 Heather Booth
2023 Ann Youngs & Vinod Nasta
2022 Kaiping Chen & Tomoko Nakamatsu
2021 Sue Gammon & Vinod Nasta
2020 Dave Munro & Deana Wilson
2019 Fiske Warren & Deana Wilson
2018 Austin Gillanders & Marie Musitano
2017 Jay Medhat & Marie Musitano
2016 Austin Gillanders & Belinda Taranto
2015 Jonathan Free & Deana Wilson
2014 Ross Harper & Ursula Harper
2013 Jonathan Free & Mimi Packer
2012 Chris Bagley & Lynne Milne
= Pat King & Richard Fox
2011 = Carol Pocock & Derek Pocock
2010 Inga Hunt & Clive Hunt
2009 Linda Watson & Pepe Schwegler
2008 Not Held
2007 Not Held
2006 Richard Grenside & Sue Grenside
2005 Helen Turner & Geoff Yeo
2004 Jonathan Free & Thelma Free
2003 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
2002 Jonathan Free & Thelma Free
2001 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
2000 Jean Hall & John Whiting
1999 Jean Hall & John Whiting
1998 Jean Hall & John Whiting
1997 Jean Hall & John Whiting
1996 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1995 Thelma Koppi & Jonathan Free
1994 Thelma Koppi & Jonathan Free
1993 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1992 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1991 Margaret Abrahams & David Schokman
1990 Margaret Abrahams & David Schokman
1989 Trevor Fuller & Gay Jones
1988 Trevor Fuller & Gay Jones
1987 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1986 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1985 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1984 Pauline Hammond & Charlie Lim
1983 Giovanni Bergossi & Dorothy Kelly
1982 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1981 Giovanni Bergossi & Dorothy Kelly
1980 Charlie Lim & Lily Lim
1979 Valli Katz & Geoff Johnson
1978 Carol Pocock & Derek Pocock
1977 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1976 Charlie Lim & Lily Lim
2023 Maurice Ford & Jan Malcolm
2022 Liz Jacoby & Shirley Lavarack
2021 Brenda Campbell & Jeff Veling
2020 Not held due to Covid 19
2019 Not Held
2018 Margaret Baird & Sylvia Bray
2017 Andrea Gaff & Karen Moller
2016 Linda Elzas & Kathy Nicolaou
2015 Kate North & Vanessa Starcevich
2014 Caroline Bartolo & Derryck Eggleston
2013 Kevin Benson-Brown & Deborah Greenway
2012 Kevin Benson-Brown & Denise Hall
2011 Brenda Evans & Pauline Kelly
2010 Kevin Benson-Bown & Sue John
2009 Gillian Milne & Georgy Myles
2008 Breffni Baker & Margaret Martin
2007 Cara Macnish & Val Moran
2006 Denise Hall & Susan Evans
2005 Kay Gilleran & Pat Martell
2004 Addy Carroll & Sandy Garber
2003 Maura Rhodes & Melanie Sheffield
2002 Shirley Rose & Melanie Sheffield
2001 Sylvia Chang & Shirley Rose
2000 Pam Perry & Sally Savini
1999 Rosemary Enright & Rosemary Rear
1998 Elizabeth Benda & Pat Houliston
1997 Gill Gavshon & Sheenagh Young
1996 Ruth Smyth & Merilyn Butterworth
1995 Andre McGeorge & Cara Macnish
1994 Wendy Jacobs & J Pearcy
1993 Ruth Marmion & John Duncan
2023 Hamish McCracken & Deana Wilson
2022 Deana Wilson and Pim Birss
2021 Dave Munro & Deana Wilson
= Kali Crsobie & Simone Pettorino
2020 = Vinod Nasta & Ann Youngs
2019 Phil Jacobsen & Julie Short
2018 Vinod Nasta & Ann Youngs
2017 Ravi Soin & Geoff Yeo
2016 Vinod Nasta & Ann Youngs
2015 Alison Rigg & John Rigg
2014 John Aquino & Geoff Yeo
2013 Clive Hunt & Inga Hunt
2012 John Aquino & Geoff Yeo
2011 Peter Holloway & Sheenagh Young
2010 Chris Bagley & Lynne Milne
2009 David Burn & Kali Crosbie
2008 Jenny Elphick & Ann Youngs
2007 Clive Hunt & Inga Hunt
2006 Jonathan Free & Thelma Free
2005 Jonathan Free & Thelma Free
2004 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
2003 Jonathan Free & Thelma Free
2002 Jonathan Free & Thelma Free
2001 John Whiting & Vera Vahala
2000 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1999 Ian Clark & Fred Hess
1998 Jonathan Free & Thelma Free
1997 Jean Hall & John Whiting
1996 John Ashworth & Tim Wright
1995 John Ashworth & Tim Wright
1994 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1993 Dorothy Jenkins & Melody Stewart
1992 David Schokman & Phil Firstenberg
1991 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1990 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1989 Margaret Blagg & William Blagg
1988 Milton Miller & David Schokman
1987 Milton Miller & David Schokman
1986 Milton Miller & David Schokman
1985 Pauline Hammond & Charlie Lim
1984 Charlie Lim & Lily Lim
1983 Toby Manford & John Ashworth
1982 Charlie Lim & Vera Vahala
1981 Val Biltoft & Vera Vahala
1980 Harold Pearson & Gerard Roussilhes
1979 Giovanni Bergossi & Gerard Roussilhes
1978 Margaret MaCartney & Gerry Ruse
1977 Charlie Lim & Lily Lim
1976 Val Krantz & Dorothy Kelly
1975 Robbie Sacks & Peter Saw
1974 Mabs Mcculloch & Sheila Rickard
2023 Not Held
2022 Vinod Nasta, Ann Youngs, Sue Gammon, Deana Wilson
2021 Not held
2020 Mimi Packer, Virginia Seward, Linda Coli, Jonathan Free, Rose Moore
2019 Jan Blight, Kali Crosbie, Maura Rhodes, Rick Rhodes
2018 Jonathan Free, Rose Moore, Mimi Packer, Virginia Seward
2017 Kaiping Chen, Tim Munro, Fiske Warren, Deana Wilson
2016 Linda Coli, Jonathan Free, Mimi Packer, Virginia Seward
2015 Tim Munro, Maura Rhodes, Fiske Warren, Deana Wilson
2014 Lisa Cusack, Jane Henderson, Rica King, Karen Wallwork
2013 John Aquino, Jenny Fairweather, Helene Kolozs, Geoff Yeo, Ann Youngs
2012 Linda Coli, Helen Cook, Rose Moore, Mimi Packer, Virginia Seward
2011 Not Held
2010 Maura Rhodes, Rick Rhodes, Helene Kolozs, Ann Youngs
2009 Helen George, Mike George, Carol Pocock, Derek Pocock
2008 John Ashworth, Toby Manford, Susan Clements, Jonathan Free
2007 Margaret Abrahams, Sue Broad, Helen Turner, Geoff Yeo
2006 Jenny Elphick, Helen Kemp, Helene Kolozs, Ann Youngs
2005 John Ashworth, Toby Manford, Richard Grenside, Sue Grenside
2004 Jill Del Piccolo, Viv Janney, Ann Ohlsen, Sheenagh Young
2003 Margaret Abrahams, Joan Oldham, Helen Turner, Geoff Yeo
2002 Michael Berry, Austin Gillanders, Joan Oldham, Geoff Yeo
2001 Margaret Abrahams, Annabel Booth, Alison Rigg, John Rigg
2000 Margaret Abrahams, Annabel Booth, Alison Rigg, John Rigg
1999 John Ashworth, Susan Clements, Toby Manford, Jonathan Free, Thelma Free
1998 John Ashworth, Susan Clements, Noelene Law, Toby Manford, Tim Wright
1997 John Ashworth, Susan Clements, Toby Manford, Tim Wright
Thelma Free, Tim Wright
1996 John Ashworth, Susan Clements, Toby Manford, Jonathan Free,
1995 Helen George, Mike George, Carol Pocock, Derek Pocock
1994 Milton Miller, Vera Vahala, Megan Griffin, Lem Soots
1993 Milton Miller, Vera Vahala, Phil Firstenberg, David Schokman
1992 Milton Miller, Vera Vahala, Phil Firstenberg, David Schokman
1991 Margaret Abrahams, Annabel Booth, Noelene Law, Lauren Shiels
1990 Milton Miller, Vera Vahala, Phil Firstenberg, David Schokman
1989 Lauren Shiels, Leone Shiels, Trevor Fuller, Phil Tearne
1988 John Ashworth, Sue Connors, Vivienne Goldberg, Toby Manford, Vera Vahala
1987 John Ashworth, Sye Connors, Susan Vincent, Toby Manford, Vera Vahala
1986 Not Held
1985 John Ashworth, Verna Butcher, Tim Wright, Toby Manford, Vera Vahala
1984 John Ashworth, Verna Butcher, Tim Wright, Toby Manford, Vera Vahala
1983 John Ashworth, Verna Butcher, Tim Wright, Toby Manford, Vera Vahala
1982 John Ashworth, Verna Butcher, Dorothy Krantz, Toby Manford, Vera Vahala
1981 John Ashworth, Verna Butcher, Dorothy Krantz, Toby Manford, Vera Vahala
1980 Charlie Lim, Lily Lim, Min Freedman, Vera Vahala
1979 Helen George, Mike George, Carol Pocock, Derek Pocock
1978 Giovanni Bergossi, Dorothy Kelly, Dorothy Krantz, Toby Manford, Robbie Sacks
1977 Dorothy Kelly, John Kemp, Dorothy Krantz, Robbie Sacks, Chris Wells
1976 Verna Butcher, Mary Davies, Mabs Mcculloch, Gerry Ruse
1975 Sandra Bird, Anne Stewart, Phil Firstenberg, Haydn Lowe
2023 Patrick Cooney, Jeff Veling, Mira Erskine, Ziggy Morawiec
2022 Not Held
2021 Jennifer Andrews, Meredith Goodlet, John Finlay-Jones, Hamish McCracken
2020 John Finlay-Jones, Phil Jacobsen, Hamish Mccracken, Julie Short
2019 Andrew Edwards, Peter Hicks, Ian Rowlands, David Woodliff
2023 Suzie Futaesaku & Tomoko Nakamatsu
2022 Hamish McCracken & Deana Wilson
2021 Gwyneira Brahma & Deana Wilson
2020 Not held due to Covid 19
2019 Geoff Holman & Chris Ingham
2018 Peter Hicks & Ian Rowlands
2017 Shelley Allen & Jill Keshavjee
2023 Gwyneira Brahma & Deana Wilson
2022 Gwyneira Brahma & Deana Wilson
2021 Sue Gammon & Deana Wilson
2020 Not held due to Covid 19
2019 Sue Gammon & Deana Wilson
2018 Marie Musitano & Robin Paterson
2017 Jan Blight & Doreen Jones
2016 Mimi Packer & Maura Rhodes
2015 Jan Blight & Heather Williams
2014 Jan Blight & Heather Williams
2013 Kate Pinniger & Carla Sullivan
2012 Lynne Milne & Sheenagh Young
2011 Jan Blight & Doreen Jones
2010 Cynthia Matthews & Jill Mowson
2009 Jan Blight & Doreen Jones
2008 Maura Rhodes & Ann Youngs
2007 Pat King & Linda Watson
2006 Pat King & Linda Watson
2005 Jan Blight & Doreen Jones
2004 Helen Hawkins & Lyn Hughes
2003 Susan Clements & Toby Manford
2002 Viv Janney & Ann Ohlsen
2001 Margaret McCarthy & Ailsa Smith
2000 Viv Janney & Ann Ohlsen
1999 Susan Clements & Ruth Hansen
1998 Viv Janney & Ann Ohlsen
1997 Susan Clements & Toby Manford
1996 Viv Janney & Ann Ohlsen
1995 Viv Janney & Ann Ohlsen
1994 Mabs Mcculloch & Ailsa Smith
1993 Susan Clements & Toby Manford
1992 Sue Connors & Wendy Driscoll
1991 Sue Connors & Wendy Driscoll
1990 Helen Bunning & Susan Vincent
1989 Mary Davies & Marjorie Thunder
1988 Helen Hawkins & Susan Vincent
1987 Lisa Bank & Heather Booth
1986 Wendy Alsop & Vera Vahala
1985 Sue Connors & Vivienne Goldberg
1984 Mary Davies & Peggy Langdale-Hunt
1983 Theda Evans & Daisy Ladbrook
1982 Marion Browning & Mary Davies
1981 Toby Manford & Susan Vincent
1980 Ushie Husten & Vera Vahala
1979 Min Freedman & Vivienne Goldberg
1978 Val Biltoft & Vera Vahala
1977 Min Freedman & Dolly Masel
WABC Special events results and awards 2021
Club members only are entitled to qualify for the Jackpot Finals and must have played in that particular session a minimum of 12 times to qualify. The competition runs from 1 October to 30 September. Lists of the top pairs, determined by place and generated by Pianola, are then published on the noticeboard and website. Finals are held in November. Players on the list are free to partner with anyone on the list for the final. Prizes are awarded at the Christmas party.
Winners 2022
Monday am: Rick Camins & Mary McComish
Monday pm: Carolyn McCusker & Rosemary Pratt
Tuesday: Anne Lowe & Faye Wilner
Wednesday Daytime: Diana Humphrys & Shirley Lavarck
Wednesday Evening: Vinod Nasta & Tim Wright
Thursday: Pattie Jenny Fairweather & Alison Rigg
Friday am: Patrick Cooney & Liz Kaye-Eddie
Friday pm: Eve Clarkson & Sandy Veling
Saturday: Kathleen Negus & John Nelson
The Charles Pearce Cup is played in the Club’s regular Wednesday Evening sessions throughout a selected month. The winners are the pair with the best aggregate from 3 results. Separate prizes are awarded for the best pair below Regional Master, and Regional and above ranking. Green Masterpoints are awarded for this event.
Winners 2023
Above Regional Master Winners:Kate Pinniger and Carla Sullivan
Regional & Under Master Winners: David Martino and Peter Gunzburg
This award is determined by submissions from members and presented at the annual Prize-Giving.
The award is for a club member, or members, who readily and enthusiastically help around the club and willingly contribute to the club’s well-being. They exhibit a positive attitude and excel at encouraging people to enjoy our club.
Any member may be put forward for this award, with the exception of the current members of the Management Committee, and there can be up to 3 recipients, depending on submissions. The final decision on recipient(s) shall be made by the President after consultation with the Management Committee.
Once a member has received this award they become ineligible for the following 2 years. Any unsuccessful submission may be resubmitted in following years.
Recipients 2023
Jodie Basham and Janis Cain
Awarded to the WABC Home Club player who has accrued the most Masterpoints from 1st December to 30th November.
To be considered for this award a member must have earned a minimum of fifteen Masterpoints, 5 of which must be Green, at WABC sponsored sessions. Prize awarded at the Christmas party
Player of the Year 2023:
Jonathan Free
(Clements-Manford Honour Board)
This is awarded to the Club Member ranked Most Improved by the ABF Masterpoint Centre report at 30th November each year. Prize awarded at the Christmas party
Most Improved Player 2023
Hamish McCracken
(Mabs McCulloch Cup)
The Patron’s trophy, donated by Mabs McCulloch and the Patron’s Prize, donated by our Patrons Mrs Helen George and Mr Peter Smith, are presented at the AGM. This yearly competition, for the most Green Masterpoints accrued by a member at WABC sessions, runs from 1 July to 30 June.
Patrons Cup 2023
Kate North
Club Members only. As the name suggests, these are four competitions run over the four seasons of the year.
This is a partnership competition calculated by Pianola using only the Masterpoints earned by the partnership during the season. Prizes are awarded at the Christmas party.
Vivaldi Winners 2023
Summer: Marilyn & Ted Van Heemst
Autumn: Marilyn & Ted Van Heemst
Winter: Kath Negus & John Nelson
Spring: Marilyn & Ted Van Heemst
Club Members only. This is stratified over all levels and is calculated by Pianola on the number of Masterpoints a player earns during the year in regular club sessions.
Winners are awarded Game Tokens. The levels are the same as listed on the back of your ABF membership card except for those above Grand Master who are considered as one group. Prizes are awarded at the Christmas party
Winners 2023
Nil Master: Brendan Collins
Graduate Master: Frank van Bockxmeer
Club Master: Angie Somac
Local Master: Tracy Kudelka
Bronze Local Master: Trevor Smith
Silver Local Master:
Regional Master: Shirley Lavarack
Bronze Regional Master: Trevor Smith
State Master: Brian Embleton
Bronze State Master: Kathleen Negus
National Master: John Nelson
Bronze National Master: Kate North
Silver National Master: Jocelyn Parry
Life Master: Sue Broad
Bronze Life Master: Kate Pinniger
Silver Life Master: Jane Henderson
Gold Life Master: Ann Youngs
Grand Master: Ross Harper
Above Grand Master: Vivienne Goldberg
2023 Judy Ley