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2023 Novice & Super Novice Congress

In the Super Novice section everyone played everyone else over two sessions. It still wasn’t long enough to separate the top two pairs who tied with Jane Blacklock - Murray McKay coming equal first with Jan Freese-Val Sinclair Day. In third place was Dani Wright-Julie Lilburne.

In the Novice section there was a qualifying session won by Julie Crewe-Chris England

This was followed by a Final and a Plate. The final was won by Andrea McCallum-Nicki McGrath from Pat Allen-Alan Gregory and Divyesh Shah-Rina Shah.

The Plate was won by Penni Fletcher Hughes - Will Nunn from Brian Embleton - Dierdre Doepel.

Thanks to Kate North (Convenor), David Burn (Director), and Kitty George and Sue Field for the lovely food afterwards.

Where next?


The Summer Vivaldi


Vale Doreen Jones