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Chrissy Bray at WABC

The WABC Management and Marketing Committees are delighted invite you and your friends to the WABC club rooms for a fun and interactive 90 minutes with Chrissy Bray on Friday, 27 January 2023 at 5.30pm, following the afternoon bridge session. 

Chrissy is a London based entertainer who travels the U.K. and Europe entertaining audiences with a special kind of fun music show that is designed to delight all ages.  She combines music, banter, playful interaction and audience participation.  Through gentle and skilful interplay, she encourages everyone to “let their hair down”.

Her warm personality and sense of fun ensures the audience leaves in a happy mood, feeling as though they’ve always known Chrissy.  WABC is lucky to have Chrissy entertain us whilst visiting her mother and family in Perth.

You may like to bring your own nibbles or plate to share, and drinks will be available from the Bar.
There is no need to register and the event is free.

Where next?


Andy Lessons, Workshops & NOT Winner


Monthly Summary: December 2022