President’s Report: April 2023
Sylvia Bray
From the President - Sylvia Bray
As it’s almost six months since I took up the position of President, it’s time to report on some of the club’s activities and progress.
There have certainly been an abundance of activities since October, with Sheenagh’s farewell party, the appointment of her replacement Martin Doran, the Christmas congress, Christmas party, the Chrissy Bray sundowner, Open Swiss Pairs, Anniversary Pairs, Fabulous Friday, Novice Congress, Women’s Pairs Championship and the New Members’ party. Whew! Our very busy Management, Marketing and Tournament committees are ensuring there’s something for everyone.
The limited playing opportunities over the past few years and concern regarding Covid, has resulted in our membership dwindling. Our Marketing Committee is focused on encouraging members to come back to the club, and to provide a comfortable environment for new members. Numbers have noticeably started to increase and it’s gratifying to see quite a few members returning who have been absent for three years or more. We warmly welcome back anyone who has not been able to attend for extended periods, it’s so pleasing to see you again!
I’m sure most of you have met Martin by now, our very affable Executive Officer. Martin has quickly settled in and is becoming a familiar and welcome part of our bridge community. He is certainly helping to lighten my load and is always happy, and very capable to manage any situation.
I hope you are making use of our fabulous website. Do spend some time exploring all the tabs, and keep up with current news and activities, including upcoming lessons, congresses, social events, photos. Perhaps you have an article which could be featured?
As you know, our club is very reliant on volunteers. One of the important aspects of our club’s continuity is the supervised sessions for aspiring players. Carla Sullivan (who includes a mini-workshop), Jodie Basham, Virginia Seward and Jane Henderson make a great contribution to this vital service. If you feel you could assist in some way, do make yourself known to any of these ladies.
I feel that our on-going calendar of social events and the wonderful support we receive from you demonstrates your appreciation. It’s gratifying to see everyone enjoying themselves, it doesn’t always have to be around the bridge table. That’s what makes a club, and encourages friendships.
Do have a look at our flyer for the Gala Open Day on 19th April. If you think you know someone you could invite, I’m sure it will be a fun afternoon.
Special thanks to John Nelson for his continuing editorship of Trumps Plus.
Enjoy your bridge.
Sylvia Bray