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The Gardening Gang

Planted in 2008 as a statement to the newly built Clubrooms, the entrance hedge has been threatening to obliterate the Club logo and name, following a winter season of super active growth. To the rescue were a group of Club members who gave up their sunny Sunday morning to come along and restore order, as well as carry out other weeding and trimming of the predominantly native garden. Sunday’s crew included Paul & Jan French, Trevor Smith, Richard Basham & Karen Moller. Other members, including John Bell and Anne-Marie Marias, have also been out the front weeding and tidying up. Thanks for the update Penni.

I’m not sure what the two convicts, sorry, club members Trevor Smith and Richard Basham are up to below, perhaps best not to ask.

Where next?


WABC Happenings August & September


WABC Members Winners in Bayswater Restricted Congress