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WABC Happenings August & September

Looking back, there has been a lot going on at the club. We have already heard about the Gardening Gang who continue battling the weeds. On the bridge front the club and it’s players have been busy especially in September.

Super Saturday (12-August) : A good turnout including a supervised section. Happy bridging for red points; a thought provoking bidding quiz (yes, sometimes Pass is your best option); food; bingo; prizes, and course the Matilda’s nail-biting, perfectly timed shootout; all combined for a very enjoyable day. Sponsored by Aspire to Wealth (A2W) Don’t miss the next Super Saturday (4-November).

GNOT Metro Final (12 & 13-August): They missed out on the Super Saturday fun at WABC but the Packer team cruised to victory in the GNOT Final. Well done to Linda Coli, Cynthia Belonogoff, Jonathan Free, Vinod Nasta & Mimi Packer.

Mandurah Winter Congress (18 & 19 August): The two day Swiss Pairs competition saw Gerry Daly & Viv Wood win from Chris Ingham & Mimi Packer.

Last Thursday of the Month Swiss Pairs (31-August): The monthly WABC Swiss Pairs Session was won comfortably by Mark Doust & John Rigg from Beverly Hunt & Jay Medhat.

The Bayswater Restricted Congress (2-September): There were a lot of WABC members at the Bayswater Restricted Congress. In fact with David Burn directing it must have felt like playing at WABC. Congratulations to Brenda Campbell & Joanne Theirault who won the Final with Karen Moller & Jodie Basham (Third). The Plate was won by Andy Cayley & Anne-Louise Dubrawski.

The Club Swiss Pairs Championship (2-September): Meanwhile back in the beautiful ambience of WABC, the two session event to determine the club Swiss Pairs Champions was won by Shizue (Susie) Futaesaku & Tomoko Nakamatsu from Susan Clements & Meredith Goodlet.

The Daytime Pairs Championship (8 & 15-September): was won by Hanish McCraken & Deana Wilson from Patricia McNamara & Belina Taranto by a little more than a single matchpoint. Oh for another overtrick somewhere.

ABF HGR Congress (15 & 16 September): One of the big four tournaments held each year in WA, the Hans G Rosendorff Memorial Weekend was well attended by WABC members. It was a mixed pairs event with both Open and Restricted fields. In the Open field, Jonathan Free & Mimi Packer came second, Marie France Merven playing with Nigel Dutton came fourth. In the Restricted, Alfred Leung playing with Diane Smith came first, closely followed by Andy Cayley & Anne-Louise Dubrawski and Jodie Basham playing with her father Richard Basham.

The BAWA Spring Swiss Pairs (6 & 13-September): was held at WABC and replaced the normal Wednesday evening competition for two weeks. There was a good turnout with James & Stella Steer winning comfortably from Martin Doran & Karol Miller.

The Evening Pairs Championship (20 & 27-September): was won by Jonathan Free & Joann Theriault from John McMullan & Geoff Yeo.

NZ National Congress (23-30 September): A bit further afield, and held at Mt Maunganui in the land of the long white cloud. A contingent of four WABC members Sandy and Jeff Veling, Brenda Campbell and Eve Clarkson packed their rain coats and headed off for this year’s congress. Sandy and Jeff made the final of the Restricted Open Pairs and Brenda and Eve came second in the Plate. Brenda and Eve came fifth in the NZ Intermediate Pairs and third in the Intermediate Swiss Pairs.

Last Thursday of the Month Swiss Pairs (28-September): The monthly WABC Swiss Pairs Session was won by Maura & Rick Rhodes from Kate North & Bernard Yates with the last round match between these two pairs proving decisive.

Who’s who: How many names can you put to the following faces?

Where next?


2023 Jackpot Qualifiers


The Gardening Gang